The NMA world tour of advice

Nobody can really travel anywhere right now, but if you are in need of a trip somewhere, fear naught, we can help you out. Over the past month, we have been speaking to certified financial planners all over the world, and the results are here for you listen to now. In the episode above, you can hear some of the best bits from our conversations with planners and representatives of the Financial Planning Standards Board in five countries. In America, hear about shifting fee models. In Brazil, hear about one planner's hopes that progress won't just be a 'bodge job'. And in South Africa, a country still riven with historical racial tension, hear the story of a black female entrepreneur taking advice to people who never previously would have had the chance to receive it.
Nobody can really travel anywhere right now, but if you are in need of a trip somewhere, fear naught, we can help you out. Over the past month, we have been speaking to certified financial planners all over the world, and the results are here for you listen to now. In the episode above, you can hear some of the best bits from our conversations with planners and representatives of the Financial Planning Standards Board in five countries. In America, hear about shifting fee models. In Brazil, hear about one planner's hopes that progress won't just be a 'bodge job'. And in South Africa, a country still riven with historical racial tension, hear the story of a black female entrepreneur taking advice to people who never previously would have had the chance to receive it.
The NMA world tour of advice
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