Making governments go green - Bryn Jones, Rathbone Ethical Bond Fund

Welcome to the Anthropocene: the epoch of the Earth's geological history defined by the impact of humanity. The UK government is is talking up its eco credentials now, but this week's guest from fund management, Bryn Jones, recounts meetings in Westminster where the very idea of a green bond was roundly dismissed. The Rathbone Ethical Bond Fund manager meets futurist Mark Stevenson and New Model Adviser editor Will Robins to discuss how fixed-income investors can be an effective force for change.
Welcome to the Anthropocene: the epoch of the Earth's geological history defined by the impact of humanity. The UK government is is talking up its eco credentials now, but this week's guest from fund management, Bryn Jones, recounts meetings in Westminster where the very idea of a green bond was roundly dismissed. The Rathbone Ethical Bond Fund manager meets futurist Mark Stevenson and New Model Adviser editor Will Robins to discuss how fixed-income investors can be an effective force for change.
Making governments go green - Bryn Jones, Rathbone Ethical Bond Fund
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