'I'm not too proud to admit I struggled the most in lockdown'

This episode was supposed to be about financial planning for business clients in the pandemic. But the most striking admission you will hear in it is of a male manager showing vulnerability to his staff, and, we might add, to us too. ‘I’m not too proud to admit I struggled the most in lockdown,’ our guest this week says. Lubbock Fine director Andrew Tricker sadly has prior experience of losing a former colleague to poor mental health, and it prompted him to be more open, and more self-aware, about his own role in other people’s lives. ‘I couldn’t appreciate why this young girl had done what she did, and I don’t suppose I do now really, but you can begin and try and understand,’ he said. ‘Being a manager of people, you have to develop skills to get [your staff] to talk to you, and I’ve tried with these video calls with my team, even if it’s not me they talk to, to get them to talk to someone about it.’ If you have been affected by any of the content in this episode, there are plenty of people who are able to help. Call Samaritans on 116 123, or visit Mind to access a range of mental health and self-help resources.
This episode was supposed to be about financial planning for business clients in the pandemic. But the most striking admission you will hear in it is of a male manager showing vulnerability to his staff, and, we might add, to us too. ‘I’m not too proud to admit I struggled the most in lockdown,’ our guest this week says. Lubbock Fine director Andrew Tricker sadly has prior experience of losing a former colleague to poor mental health, and it prompted him to be more open, and more self-aware, about his own role in other people’s lives. ‘I couldn’t appreciate why this young girl had done what she did, and I don’t suppose I do now really, but you can begin and try and understand,’ he said. ‘Being a manager of people, you have to develop skills to get [your staff] to talk to you, and I’ve tried with these video calls with my team, even if it’s not me they talk to, to get them to talk to someone about it.’ If you have been affected by any of the content in this episode, there are plenty of people who are able to help. Call Samaritans on 116 123, or visit Mind to access a range of mental health and self-help resources.
'I'm not too proud to admit I struggled the most in lockdown'
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