Google & Facebook profiting from Gov't inaction on online scams

Online investment scams are on the rise, and there is an ongoing debate about who is responsible for taking them down. In this edition of the New Model Adviser podcast, reporter James Fitzgerald speaks with Tim Fassam, who is director of government relations at the Personal Investment Management & Financial Advice Association (Pimfa) Fassam tells Fitzgerald that the government needs to seriously consider including online financial harms into its bill, otherwise Google and Facebook will continue to turn a blind eye to scams, and savers will be the ones who continue to lose out.
Online investment scams are on the rise, and there is an ongoing debate about who is responsible for taking them down. In this edition of the New Model Adviser podcast, reporter James Fitzgerald speaks with Tim Fassam, who is director of government relations at the Personal Investment Management & Financial Advice Association (Pimfa) Fassam tells Fitzgerald that the government needs to seriously consider including online financial harms into its bill, otherwise Google and Facebook will continue to turn a blind eye to scams, and savers will be the ones who continue to lose out.
Google & Facebook profiting from Gov't inaction on online scams
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