Forecast: Lat Am locals spy tech green shoot amid Covid devastation

Citywire Americas editor Atholl Simpson dialed in from the other side of the pond to talk through the region’s success stories with New Model Adviser editor Will Robins. Latin America’s financial sector might be a well-trodden area for global investors, but a tech start-up scene is making waves in a region so reliant on exports. Whether fintech or e-commerce, from Brazil to Colombia, investors looking for the next Amazon (not the forest) could do worse than look at Latin America.
Citywire Americas editor Atholl Simpson dialed in from the other side of the pond to talk through the region’s success stories with New Model Adviser editor Will Robins. Latin America’s financial sector might be a well-trodden area for global investors, but a tech start-up scene is making waves in a region so reliant on exports. Whether fintech or e-commerce, from Brazil to Colombia, investors looking for the next Amazon (not the forest) could do worse than look at Latin America.
Forecast: Lat Am locals spy tech green shoot amid Covid devastation
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