ESG? I'd rather my fund manager had principles!

UPDATE: This is now the correct version of this podcast. Paul Jourdan, the Citywire AAA-rated manager of the Amati Small Companies fund, is unhappy that ESG is seen as a ‘special sauce’. Indeed, what does it say about fund managers if we are only now applying ethical criteria? Fellow guest and futurist Mark Stevenson said the notion of adding ESG criteria to a fund is as ‘absolutely ridiculous’ as your doctor telling you: good news, I have a medical degree. ‘You think ethics is bonus extra for your profession? Get stuffed!’
UPDATE: This is now the correct version of this podcast. Paul Jourdan, the Citywire AAA-rated manager of the Amati Small Companies fund, is unhappy that ESG is seen as a ‘special sauce’. Indeed, what does it say about fund managers if we are only now applying ethical criteria? Fellow guest and futurist Mark Stevenson said the notion of adding ESG criteria to a fund is as ‘absolutely ridiculous’ as your doctor telling you: good news, I have a medical degree. ‘You think ethics is bonus extra for your profession? Get stuffed!’
ESG? I'd rather my fund manager had principles!
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