ESG and Black Lives Matter are 'symbiotic'

Green Party leader Jon Bartley made a name for himself when David Cameron's top team naively asked him to participate in a meet and greet with the leader outside a hospital in 2010. Unbeknownst to Cameron, the man he meeting was not a starstruck voter who would just roll over. Rather, he was an angry dad with an economics degree and a disabled son, who had read the Conservative Party election manifesto in full, and knew it inside out. Unluckier still for Cameron, the television cameras were there to capture the whole disastrous moment unfold. 10 years later and Jon Bartley is a frontline politician. He is co-leader of the Green Party, and is as passionate a campaigner on the environment, inclusivity and green finance as ever. In this episode, he gave up his lunch break to speak to magazine editor Ollie Smith about why he agrees with Mark Carney, why green investing should be democratised, and why, in his own words, green finance is 'symbiotic' with the Black Lives Matter movement.
Green Party leader Jon Bartley made a name for himself when David Cameron's top team naively asked him to participate in a meet and greet with the leader outside a hospital in 2010. Unbeknownst to Cameron, the man he meeting was not a starstruck voter who would just roll over. Rather, he was an angry dad with an economics degree and a disabled son, who had read the Conservative Party election manifesto in full, and knew it inside out. Unluckier still for Cameron, the television cameras were there to capture the whole disastrous moment unfold. 10 years later and Jon Bartley is a frontline politician. He is co-leader of the Green Party, and is as passionate a campaigner on the environment, inclusivity and green finance as ever. In this episode, he gave up his lunch break to speak to magazine editor Ollie Smith about why he agrees with Mark Carney, why green investing should be democratised, and why, in his own words, green finance is 'symbiotic' with the Black Lives Matter movement.
ESG and Black Lives Matter are 'symbiotic'
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