Dynamic Planner: risk and reward in a post Covid-19 world

Special features editor Charles Walmsley speaks to Chris Jones, proposition director at Dynamic Planner. The pair talk about the speed of the coronavirus market crash and how investors have reacted. The crash prompted a deluge of 10% drop notifications to be sent to clients, in accordance with Mifid II rules. While this has been derided by many Jones notes that communications explaining what has happened to an person's particular portfolio could actually prove reassuring given the general market headlines that person will be hearing. Another topic of conversation is how the riskiness of certain stocks may need to be reassessed as the crisis unfolds. And how funds invested in drawdown under the pension freedoms will face a big test, not just now but in years to come. And there is discussion of active and passive investing in light of the new market conditions, and why recent ESG outperformance may have been more by luck than design.
Special features editor Charles Walmsley speaks to Chris Jones, proposition director at Dynamic Planner. The pair talk about the speed of the coronavirus market crash and how investors have reacted. The crash prompted a deluge of 10% drop notifications to be sent to clients, in accordance with Mifid II rules. While this has been derided by many Jones notes that communications explaining what has happened to an person's particular portfolio could actually prove reassuring given the general market headlines that person will be hearing. Another topic of conversation is how the riskiness of certain stocks may need to be reassessed as the crisis unfolds. And how funds invested in drawdown under the pension freedoms will face a big test, not just now but in years to come. And there is discussion of active and passive investing in light of the new market conditions, and why recent ESG outperformance may have been more by luck than design.
Dynamic Planner: risk and reward in a post Covid-19 world
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