Does ethical investing have to be active?

Active fund management has encountered crisis after crisis in the last year, but one shining light amid all the chaos has been environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing. Managers in the sector have shown themselves to be among the most nimble and forward-thinking, handing sustainable investing as a whole a clear boon. But does ethical investing really have to be active? In this episode, Oli Jones from Portfoliometrix explains to Charles Walmsley how he builds ethical portfolios for advisers’ clients, and explores some of the issues he encounters along the way. Get ready to have your existing views on how fund management really goes the extra mile for values-driven investors challenged and changed.
Active fund management has encountered crisis after crisis in the last year, but one shining light amid all the chaos has been environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing. Managers in the sector have shown themselves to be among the most nimble and forward-thinking, handing sustainable investing as a whole a clear boon. But does ethical investing really have to be active? In this episode, Oli Jones from Portfoliometrix explains to Charles Walmsley how he builds ethical portfolios for advisers’ clients, and explores some of the issues he encounters along the way. Get ready to have your existing views on how fund management really goes the extra mile for values-driven investors challenged and changed.
Does ethical investing have to be active?
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